Subject CommitRetaining in IBO not that evil?
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

while testing a self-written transaction statistic logging utility I
found an interesting thing with an IBO application regarding commit
retaining and OIT/OAT.

When calling COMMIT RETAIN in isql, the OIT/OAT is stuck. This is
something I did expect.

When doing a commit retain via a TIB_TransactionBar for a
TIB_Transaction (with everything set to default; isolation level =
tiConcurrency), the OIT/OAT will move forward in respect to this
transaction which has been commit retained. So, a commit retain for this
transaction does not harm the OIT/OAT statistics.

The interesting thing is, that CURRENT_TRANSACTION has been changed
after calling commit retain, so this would explain why OIT/OAT can move

So my question is: Is CommitRetaining in IBO not that evil? ;-)

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions