Subject Re: [IBO] Odd TIB_Cursor problem in 4.8.7
Author tickerboo2002
> That said, I've been using and recompiling legacy IBO projects with
Fb 1.5.x, throughout the entire release cycle, up to and including
4.8.7, without seeing any problems. Delphi, though. But nothing
newer than Delphi 7.
> One thing to ask about 'cause people sometime overlook it - what's
your setting for OldParameterOrdering in firebird.conf? It should
**not** be set on for Fb 1.5 and latter IBO versions...

I added IB_components.pas to my BCB project thinking I could step into
the code to see why ParamByName wasn't returning anything and it
started to work (i.e. ParamByname returned a column). I removed the
pas file and it continued to work. I guess there may have been an old
OBJ file kicking around some place, but I performed a build-all many

It's a problem we put down to where 'talking to the compiler' made it

Thanks for your help.