Subject | Re: [IBO] Odd TIB_Cursor problem in 4.8.7 |
Author | tickerboo2002 |
Post date | 2008-07-06T11:16:46Z |
> How does it fail? Exception? (If so, what?) or empty set? (Thelatter would happen with an IB_Cursor if you called Open instead of
Either I've lost the plot and cannot see the obvious, or I've got a
duff build or something. The code below works if I index into the
columns. It returns the correct column if I use FindParam, but
ParamByName fails to return a column:
pCur->SQL->Text = "Select USER_ID from USERS where
//pCur->Params->Columns[0]->AsString = sUser; // Works
TIB_Column * pCol = IB_Cursor1->FindParam( "USER_NAME");
if ( pCol )
ShowMessage("found"); // It finds the column
pCur->ParamByName("USER_NAME")->AsString = sUser; // Fails
This is using BCb2006 and IBOv4.8.7. Am i missing something obvious here?