Subject Blank Field Conundrum
Author rhowitt
I have the following columns that are part of a Master Key (MasterData)
CompanyID : String
FField : String
FSection : String

The detail dataset also has a similar set of columns.

The FSection column can contain any valid character string as well as a
blank string ''( not null, but blank). When the FSection is blank I get
inconsistant results when I create a query that relate the 2 data sets.

Select M.Company_ID, M.FIeld, M.FSection
from MasterData M, Detaildata D
where M.Company_ID = D.Company_ID
and M.FField = D.FFIeld
and M.FSection = D.FSection

Sometimes I will get correct results other times I get a result set
that missing the rows that have a blank FSection.

I played with the DefaultNoTrailing and DefaultNoTrimming all to
unsatifactory results.

THis all seemed to start when I switch from Delphi2005 to Delphi2007.

Any thoughts on how to get a complete results set everytime?

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

RIck Howitt