Subject TDataset-compatible components in IntraWeb applications
Author nols_smit

Delphi 7, IntaWeb 9.0.30 and IBObjects 4.8.7 apply.

I have created an IntraWeb application with a session lifetime of a
few minutes.

The application has the typical TIWServerController (common to all the
sessions), the TIWUserSession (unique per session) and a main unit
(acting as the user interface).

A TIWUserSession unit is created per session and is destroyed when a
session terminates.

The TIWUserSession unit is a DataModule where you can add components
or declare fields that are specific to ONE user. Instead of creating
global variables, it is better to use this datamodule. You can then
access it using UserSession.

With any TDataset-compatible IBO component (e.g. TIBODatabase) on the
TIWUserSession unit, compiled as a Apache dll, the first session
creates and terminates gracefully but when I again activate a
subsequent session, I get the following error message:

Access violation at address 01B2CBB2 in module ''. Read
of address 3A6E6F71

I do not get this kind of error when I use a TIBDatabase component.

I also get this error when I create and destroy the TIBODatabase
component during run-time.

Any idea what I must do not to trigger this error?


Nols Smit