Subject DefaultNoTrimming behavior
Author personalsoft_fabiano
Hi, today i had to enable the 'DefaultNoTrimming' property of my
connection to workaround a problem, and i would like to know what
behavior this property changes, and if and how it can affect the rest
of my application.

I've read that if this property is enabled, the developer needs to
trim all fielsd by hand, but the test below doesn´t show this, so i´m
probably misunderstanding the docs:

Database.DefaultNoTrimming := True;
Q.SQL.Text := 'select nome from cad1 where numcad1 = 0');
ShowMessage('*' + Q.FieldByName('nome').AsString + '*');

It shows "*<name>*", without trailing spaces.

So what does this IBO trims when 'DefaultNoTrimming' is False?

