Subject [IBO]Component writing - exposing OnPrepareSQL
Author Paul Hope
I have a component which internally contains an IB_Cursor and exposes and
SQL property. This works fine.
Now I want to expose the OnPrepareSQL event which I'm having problems with.
I have a private declaration
FOnPrepareSQL: TIB_StatementEvent;
and a published
property OnPrepareSQL: TIB_StatementEvent read FOnPrepareSQL write
I've set up a procedure
procedure PrepareSQL(Sender: TObject);
to fire off the OnPrepareSQL with
if Assigned(FOnPrepareSQL) then FOnPrepareSQL(Sender);
But I cant work out how to get the internal IB_Cursor.OnPerpareSQL connected
to my procedure.

Maybe the whole approach is wrong - any suggestions?


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