Subject Re: [IBO] Weirdness ?
Author Lester Caine
Robert martin wrote:
> We have still not solved this. However I now have another problem.
> There is actually a trigger on this table that will update workref if it
> is NULL. We are trying to use this to get around the issue. However the
> component is giving us a validation error (Workref cant be Null). I
> know their is a property to disable this checking but cant find it. I
> have tried paramCheck = false and CheckRequired = False, but neither of
> this have been successful.
> Help :)

Leave Workref out of the Insert and allow the before insert trigger to
populate it?
I don't see why there is a problem, but obviously something is holding over a
generator value and trying to use it again.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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