Subject Weirdness ?
Author Robert martin

I have an IBOQuery running the following query (Built in code)...

INSERT INTO WorkNewItemExtraPricing (WorkRef, ControlRef, Svrreccnt,
StockPriceTypeRef, SellPriceSys, SellPriceNoTax)
SELECT GEN_ID(WorkControl_Gen, 1), ' + aControlref + ', ' +
IntToStr(RecCount) + ', StockPriceTypeRef, SellPriceSys, SellPriceNoTax
FROM WorkNewItemExtraPricing WHERE ControlRef = ' + aControlref + ' AND
svrRecCnt IS NULL

This is part of a loop where RecCount is incremented (aControlRef
remains the same).

The idea is that there are some base entries in the table (up to 4
records) with the same ControlRef but a null svrreccnt. The code goes
through a loop and duplicates these entries for each svrRccnt.

At a random point in the loop the query fails to execute with a PK
violation of the WorkRef field (the PK). I don't understand why this
is? putting a dely into the code before the .execSQL command allows it
to go further through the loop before encountering the PK violation.

The SQL is in its own transaction.

Any ideas? Or is this a Firebird thing (should I post to the Firebird

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax +64 03 377 0496

Wild Software Ltd