Subject | Re: IBO 4.8 Beta2 has just been released to all areas. |
Author | Steve Fields |
Post date | 2007-07-25T13:01:51Z |
No fix or suggestion for install glitch?
Steve Fields
--- In, "Steve Fields" <stevefields24@...>
Steve Fields
--- In, "Steve Fields" <stevefields24@...>
> Jason,
> The install version (4.18b2) won't.
> It keeps saying that there is a problem with another
> earlier install. I uninstalled, regedt'd, deleted
> everything...
> What is it looking for that was earlier corrupted
> maybe?
> Also, unless you have fixed it recently, IB_Sql will not
> look at Firebird 2.0 created database's generators. If the
> database is created while Interbase is running it will see
> them (?) (I had some older databases created while IB 6 was
> running and upgraded to FB 2.0 and had created a couple of
> new databases. They are the problem. But no hurry fixing it,
> IBO still sees them. Just IB_Sql will not)
> Thanks,
> Steve Fields
> --- In, "ibobjects" <supportlist@> wrote:
> >
> > I am releasing the latest version of IBO even though there are a
> > couple issues still pestering me that I am working on. I decided
> > that since the issues I am working on are in the prior versions that
> > I should still release version 4.8 Build 2 (Beta) because there are
> > a number of bug fixes in it and there should be no new issues
> > introduced. Though I call it Beta status, this release is very
> > likely superior to 4.7 in all respects.
> >
> > Please see the release notes for all the details of what has been
> > fixed.
> >
> > Also, I want to apologize for taking so long to get this out. I
> > know there are concerns about the future viability of IBO due to the
> > neglect the product has suffered over the past 6 months. Please
> > know that I respect the life of this product and its critical role
> > in your development efforts. If there ever comes a time when I have
> > to face reality that other demands are taking too much of my time
> > away from the product that I will do everything in my power to give
> > it a life of its own before I would let it whither away. Even
> > though I use the Trustware Licensing strategy, there is a
> > respectable amount of revenue that comes in that will assure its
> > future. As long as everyone using IBO is faithful to purchase their
> > annual source access subscriptions and the financial statements of
> > the product are strong and viable there is no way that the IBO
> > product will be anything but strong and viable.
> >
> > Please go to and download the new
> > version and post any feedback you have concerning it here on this
> > list. If your source access subscription has expired, please renew
> > it. I could really use the financial assistance right now.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jason Wharton
> >
> >