Subject RE: [IBO] Update to FB2 with old IBO-Components
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi,
> in order to solve a problem, we have to update from Firebird 1.53 to
> 2.01.
> For this purpose we don't use any new Firebird 2 features.
> The problem is, that our framework (Delphi 7) still uses IBO43Aa (only
> IBO TDataset compatible components).
> Are we going to run into some issues?
> Comments would be welcomed?
> Thanks,
> Josef

there may be some of your queries which are lacking aliases or otherwise
ambiguous where Fb1.53 would not object, FB2 will object.
if you have any after triggers which try to assign values to new.fields,
that will throw an exception since they are now read-only (they did nothing
before anyway but since they were benign you may never have known they were
otherwise there should be little to concern you.
Bottom line: test all of the app thoroughly :-)