Subject Post on required fields
Author Fernando Azevedo
I have two questions:
I'm working with three tables: Book, Author and Book_Author. When
inserting a new book, I open the Author table and select the ones I want
do associate with the book, and that will be put in the Book_Author
table. To do that, I use this :

qryBook_Author.FieldByName('BOOK_ID').AsInteger :=
qryBook_Author.FieldByName('AUTHOR_ID').AsInteger :=

If I use this without entering all the not null fields, I get an
error informing that the required fields cannot be null. Of course they
can't, by I'm just using a Post, not a Commit ! Is it necessary that all
the not null fields of the master table to be filled before I use a Post
command ?
Nevertheless, if I fill the required fields, and try to use the code
above, I get the error: "Problem in binding cursor". What's this about ?

Thanks in advance
Fernando Azevedo