Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Connection does not use Local Conection ?
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:30 AM 11/12/2007, you wrote:

This is wrong. If you want to use cpLocal then Server must be nil. The localhost server and cpLocal are NOT COMPATIBLE.

If you enter a server name then the IB_Connection will ignore cpLocal and construct a TCP/IP connection string.

>in IB_Connection1 does not open connection, raise "unavaliable database".
>But in IBO 4.3a runs OK with the same version of Firebird (lastest 1.5)
>SuperServer (threads).

IBO 4.3a is very old.

>if change to use TCP/IP then runs fine.

Of course it does. Firebird is designed to run on a network protocol.

>It s important to me, because cpLocal transferences so fast than use

That should not be the case, normally.

Please DOUBLE-CHECK that it is Superserver you are running, not Classic.

If you are certain, then please report back.

The reason I am interested is that I noted that, from possibly IBO 4.6 onward, I was also unable to use an IPServer connection from any IBO application (IB_SQL + any applications of my own) with v.1.5.x Superserver. IPServer works fine with the command-line apps and FlameRobin, but just not with any IBO apps.

I reported the problem to Jason, who replied that he had done nothing to change IBO's connection behaviour.

Then, last week, in the process of migrating my main development system to a new box (but still using Win2K and almost identical hardware), I did a completely fresh install of Delphi, IBO and Firebird 1.5.5. IPServer works properly with IBO and IB_SQL on the new box. It still doesn't work properly on the old box.

So - if this is another case of a similar problem, it could merit further investigation. I wonder whether anyone else has observed it...?
