Subject | RE: [IBO] TIBOTable Weirdness |
Author | Jason Wharton |
Post date | 2007-11-20T00:39:51Z |
Likely what is happening is the field type is now TMemoField instead of
TStringField and the field trimming rules are not being applied.
> We have an application that is using TIBOTable (for legacyIf the column is still type CHAR then this is expected behavior.
> reasons) that
> has recently started to fail. We increased the size of a
> field to 3072
> characters (varChar) from about 70. Now when this field is accessed
> using Table.AsString instead of returning an empty string
> (when NULL) is
> returns 8222 empty spaces. Table.IsNull returns true. It is
> relatively
> easy to fix the code (just use an isNUll test). However it
> seems their
> might be some bug with the code if the functionality changes with
> increased field sizes.
> We are using IBO v 4.8.6
Likely what is happening is the field type is now TMemoField instead of
TStringField and the field trimming rules are not being applied.