Subject Re: [IBO] Re: TIBODataset and EXECUTE PROCEDURE with output parameters
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:44 AM 13/10/2007, you wrote:

> > > This procedure has 1 output parameter. When I prepare, IBO creates
> > > a single output parameter.
> > >
> > > Next, I use ExecSQL and kinda expect the parameter to hold the
> > > output value.
> > >
> > > However, the parameter value stays Null.
> >
> > If however what you realy have is a ESP, you should not use TIBOQuery
> > but instead use TIBOStoredProc. Fill the StoredProcName property with
> > the name of your procedure and fill the param property collection.
> > Call the ExecSQL method and you should have the output parameters
> > correctly filled.
>No, I'm using TIBOQuery for a good reason here. Given that IBO fills the
>parameters property AND it executes without problems, I would expect
>the output parameters to have a value. When tracing through the code, I can
>see that it attempts to fill the parameter values. But they're null.
>I'm not asking what I should use, but rather I'm asking if this is supposed
>to work.

I simply don't know whether TIBOQuery is meant to behave like the VCL
or like native IBO when a bdataset component is used to execute a
procedure. It's not something I'd consider a sensible thing to do.

If it were a TIB_Query you would not find the output from an
executable procedure in Params, but in Fields. Have you checked to
see whether this is the case with TIBOQuery? I'd have to set up a
test app myself to answer that question...


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