Subject Some problems with Build 16
Author Elmar Knoerzer
i have got some prolems with 4.7 Build 16, which i can not solve.

I have got a masterdetail relation between two queries. In the
detailquery, i've got a select from a stored procedure an the
updateSQL is also a stored procedure.
If commiting both (on the same TIB_TransAction), i get the exception
"E_Cannot_GetRecCount" from the detailquery.
All the other MasterDetail queries on tables run fine.

The second issue is the following.

I got a form with some queries. These queries are closed and will be
opened after starting a TIB_TransAction (tiCommited).
At startup of the form i make a prepare on all queries to get the
display labels, the queries remain closed.

In 4.6 and older, the TIB_TransAction has not been started.
In 4.7, the TIB_TransAction is started.
But it should not be started.
How can i solve the problem ?

Regards Elmar