Subject Help needed with search criteria refinement.
Author Adrian Wreyford

Helen previously helped me with the following line of code, and this was
just what I needed then.


This was needed, so that I could assign a search criteria to a IBOQuery for
use in a reporting tool (Report Builder).

I use the IB_Searchbar, and IB_Query1, with the necessary controls to select
fields etc.

This works fantastically, due to the line of code Helen helped with above.

Now I need to complicate matters more, by being able to search for a Date
between a start and end date, to further refine the search above.

So once I have searched for the necessary records. I assign the search:


But now I need to add:

IBOQuery1.SQL.Add('A.ANIMALDOB BETWEEN ''' + DateToStr(DTPBeg.Date) + '''
AND ''' + DateToStr(DTPEnd.Date) + ''' ');

This is not so simple.

It needs to be in the correct place in the SQL for IBOQuery1.

If there are already search criteria in a 'WHERE' clause, then I need to
first add 'AND'

Any easy way to get this done?

Can it be done with the IB_ Searchbar (ie. a between dates).

Any help will greatly be appreciated.



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