Subject Memory Leaks Problem
Author jrodenhi
I am experiencing some persistent memory leak issues and although they
seem to be related to IBObjects, they are undoubtedly because I am not
following a correct protocol in using the objects rather than anything
wrong with the library.

I think my arrangement is pretty simple. In my MDI application, I
create a TConnect called MainConnection and make its owner the main
form so it gets destroyed when the main form is destroyed. Then I
create a class called TSQL which inherits from TIB_Query. I added
some TStringLists to it for the headings, to store SQL statements and
retrieve results. My create and destroy methods look like this:

Constructor TSQL.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FSQL := TStringList.Create;
FVal := TStringList.Create;
FHeadings := TStringList.Create;
SetLength(FWidths, 0);
IB_Connection := MainConnection;
bFirst := True;
FIndex := FCounter;

Destructor TSQL.Destroy;
If (IB_Transaction <> nil) then begin
if IB_Transaction.TransactionIsActive then IB_Transaction.Commit;
IB_Transaction := nil;
FHeadings := nil;
FSQL := nil;
FVal := nil;
Inherited Destroy;

When I exit my program, FastMM reports a bunch of memory leaks like this:
An unexpected memory leak has occurred. The unexpected small block
leaks are:

1 - 12 bytes: String x 7, Unknown x 11
13 - 20 bytes: TList x 44, String x 12, Unknown x 18
21 - 28 bytes: TIB_TransactionDMLCache x 1, String x 21, Unknown x 4

29 - 36 bytes: String x 8, Unknown x 13
37 - 44 bytes: TIB_TimeoutProps x 1, String x 4
45 - 52 bytes: String x 5, Unknown x 2
53 - 60 bytes: TStringList x 4, String x 19
61 - 68 bytes: TIB_StringList x 26
69 - 76 bytes: TIB_StringCache x 1, TIB_StringProperty x 45, String x
1, Unknown x 4

85 - 92 bytes: TIB_UpdateSQL x 1
101 - 108 bytes: TIB_ConnectionLink x 2, Unknown x 5
109 - 116 bytes: TIB_TransactionLink x 1
117 - 124 bytes: TIB_SchemaCache x 1
133 - 140 bytes: TIB_Row x 3

149 - 156 bytes: TIB_SQLStrings x 1
173 - 188 bytes: Unknown x 4
189 - 204 bytes: TIB_ColumnText x 2
205 - 220 bytes: TIB_ColumnInteger x 1
237 - 252 bytes: Unknown x 3
285 - 300 bytes: TIB_MasterDataLink x 1, TIB_KeyDataLink x 1

349 - 380 bytes: Unknown x 1
381 - 412 bytes: TIB_Session x 1, TIB_TransactionInternal x 1
445 - 476 bytes: Unknown x 3
573 - 620 bytes: TConnect x 1
669 - 732 bytes: Unknown x 1

1053 - 1148 bytes: Unknown x 1
1261 - 1372 bytes: TIB_Dataset x 1

The sizes of unexpected leaked medium and large blocks are: 4908

Can anyone help me figure out my little problem on this?

Thanks for your help.
