Subject Re: [IBO] Error
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:41 AM 21/09/2006, you wrote:
> I cant seem to get IBO4 to install on Delphi7. I have not had problems
> before. I uninstalled every posible file deleted all old packages,
> directories and deleted all bpl files and other I could find that could
> something to do with ibo and extracted the files about 3 times.
> The error I get is
> [Fatal Error]IB_Session.pas(581): Unit IB_Components was compiled with a
> different version of IB_NodeList. TIB_NodeList.

It is finding something old *somewhere*. Might there be some old DCP
files lurking around in a strange place, that happens to be in the
search path, e.g. in system32, system or an old directory?

Could there be some old artifact in your Registry, or in the MSI database?
