Subject Best Technique - Interdependant Calculated fields
Author Tony Masefield
Hi All,

This is a bit of a 'cross newsgroups' question as it involves both
FB and IBO.
The problem:
I need some way of incorporating 'interdependant calculated fields'
with FB/IBO. The original programme used a table that included
the 'calculated' fields as part of the table structure. As such, I
have two fields (actually there are a few) where one can change
field A and Field B changes in unison, however one can also change
Field B and Field A will then change. Using Calculated fields
results in recursion if the fields are 'calculated' - and hence
overflow problems. So I resulted to incorporating the fields into
the table structure. No problem. However I feel that this is
wasteful of disk space/in-elligant (Can't get away from limited
resources/DOS background).
I would like to get around this as the other fields can be
calculated from a 'master' field but I do need the facility to
change the 'ancillary' fields and calculate backwards (including
even changes to the 'master field').
What are the choices using FB/IBO/SQL? Bearing in mind I have a lot
to learn on using CS/Server and I have been correctly told that I am
trying to bend IBO to do 'what comes naturally'.
Perhaps a 'Temp' table joined to the master (well actually to a
detail) table which would contain the 'calculated' fileds?
Anyone had a similar problem and a solution?
PS, the detail grid already includes lookups from another table to
facility the calculation factors for the 'ancillary' fields. I'm
also using D5 with IBOTdataset and standard DBGrid.

Regards and thanks,