Subject Re: [IBO] Entry Point Not Found
Author Ramil
> DoMacroSubstitute syntax was changed since IBO4.6A.
> // IBO4.5B and older
> procedure TIB_Dataset.DoMacroSubstitute;
> // IBO4.5A and newer
> function TIB_Dataset.DoMacroSubstitute( const ASQL: string ): string;

> Probably there was a situation, when IBO sources is new and
> compiled bpl-files is old. Try carefully deinstall IBObjects
> (also remove "Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\Borland Studio
> Projects\Bpl\IBO*.*") and install IBObjects again.

> Then compile and install your component.

> Ramil.

>> I wrote a very simple component that inherits from the TIB_Connection
>> class. After I install the component and restart Delphi I get the
>> following error message.
>> ---------------------------
>> Borland Delphi 2005: bds.exe - Entry Point Not Found
>> ---------------------------
>> The procedure entry point
>> @Ib_components@TIB_Dataset@DoMacroSubstitute$qqrv could not be located
>> in the dynamic link library IBO40CRT_D2005.bpl.
>> ---------------------------
>> I searched for every IBO40CRT_D2005.bpl on the computer to make sure I
>> only have the lates one on my computer. Any suggestion?
>> Thanks, ERvin