Subject very strange problem with ib_script
Author Helmut Steinberger
I now get an other, very strange problem with ib_script.

When running a script which adds a new field to a table, and setting
this field with a default value in the same script without a commit
between the 2 statements, a totaly different field (even with an
other field type) of the table is set with the default value.
This is very strange.

Here is an excerpt of the table I am going to modify in the script:

create table rep
(rep_id integer not null
primary key,
kurz varchar (15)
not null,
bez varchar (40)
not null,
bericht blob sub_type 0)

Here is the script:

set term ^;

alter table rep
add sys_rep char^

update rep
set sys_rep = 'F'^

When I run this script in IOBManager, it works as expected.
When I run it in my application with tib_script, it doesn't.
After running it, the field bericht is set to 'F'.

This only happens, when I use a database on a server. Doing the same
on a local database, it works well.

If I run this script:

set term ^;

alter table rep
add sys_rep char^

commit ^

update rep
set sys_rep = 'F'^

it works.

Is this a bug or do I handle something wrong?

kind regards