Subject RE: [IBO] IBOQuery Locate bug IBO 4.6A
Author Jason Wharton
I've gone ahead and added in the parenthesis.
It seems odd to me that this could make a difference.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Johannes Pretorius
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:38 AM
> To:
> Cc: Willem Goosen; craig Arenson
> Subject: [IBO] IBOQuery Locate bug IBO 4.6A
> Importance: High
> Good day All
> 0-=0-=0-=0=-=-0
> I have found a problem/bug with IBOQuery component
> if you use the locate method.
> Basically if your query is something like
> select * from A order by column1
> and you do a locate on a field in the dataset then you get a
> error about an invalid WHERE clause.
> I debugged the problem to the following
> //==============================
> Unit : IB_Components
> line : 31374
> if not Prepared or not SQLIsValid then
> if (not Prepared) or (not SQLIsValid) then
> //=================================\
> This basically made that the IF was ENTERED although the
> Prepared and SQLIsValid flags ARE TRUE.
> Thus if the brackets is added then the if is skipped and the
> fucntion works as it is suppose to.,
> I hope this helps somebody else.
> Have a nice day
> Johannes Pretorius
> (Programeerings Departement- Promed)
> Tel : +27 11 607-3300
> Faks : +27 11 622-6939
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