Subject Use of TIBOQuery
Author nols_smit

In an IntraWeb application (developed by using components from
AtoZedSoftware and TMSSoftware), I have a problem with TIWAdvWebGrid
(interfacing with TDataSource interfacing with TIBOQuery). I can
edit a record but when I try to insert, I get an EDatabase
error "Record not found" and then the following message on the
Internet Explorer window: 200 OK. I asked TMSSoftware for help but
the "help" dried up.

On the newsgroup:, I started a thread on
03/21/2006 "proposal for a new component" with the following

"Is there a merit in a proposal to request an IW version of
IBObject's TIB_DataSource in order to get the full power of
FireBird, especially with the forthcoming FireBird 2"

There were a lively discussion in this thread and Hadi Hariri stated:

"Nols, my point wasn't whether Atozed/IW will support this or not.
My point is that if IBObjects is creating it's own datasource that
have to be tied to it's own dataware controls then it is a serious
shortcoming from IBOBjects. Not all 3rd party vendors are going to
invest into supporting this."

In the thread Stewart Bourke replied:

"I believe the issue is to do with the way in which TMS clones
datasets internally - I had this problem when I was trying to use
iwdbedits on the same form as the tmsiwdbgrid - both using the same
DS and Bruno explained to me what th eissue was. Once I understood,
and altered my design approach a little (Web App vs standard DB
app..) all was solved."

Is there someone that solved this issue with TIWAdvWebGrid
interfacing with TDataSource interfacing with TIBOQuery ?

I will ask these same questions at TMSSoftware.

The reasons I want to use IBObjects are:

1) I recon there is a better chance I will get the full
functionality of FireBird 2 and 3 compared to using IBX, and

2) they are also Rubicon qualified (see my app under "what's new!"

For reason 2) I can't consider FIBPlus drivers.


Nols Smit