Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Ledger
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:22 PM 4/03/2006, you wrote:
>Let's talk about the TIB_Ledger. The help file has no description about it.
>The website says it is for a spreadsheet style layouts that accountants
>What's the deal with this thing? What's it for?
>In regards to the IB_Ledger I hooked it up to a dataset and I see the data
>at design time but not at run time (only the headers) and it behaves like it
>doesn't have focus.

Not sure what stage you're at with IBO but I guess it's worth noting that
a) you have write runtime code to connect to databases and open datasets
b) IB_Ledger is probably the worst place to
start playing with IBO, since it's not an
official IBO component, but a very old contributed one

>I am building a screen to apply insurance payments to billing lines in my
>program and am wondering if this might be a good control to use this for?
>Like I'd list the billing information and then have a non data bound field
>to input an in-line payment (which would actually be posted to another table
>of course) and then I'd run a query to do the actual insert of the payment.

I don't have a clue how to work this component,
beyond attaching it to a datasource, but here's
some blurb from the unit header:

©Copyright 1997, P&R Software, Inc.
- Data Aware
- Split database row into multiple display rows (subrows)
- Different colors for each subrow
- Title click event monitoring w/ optional sort direction indicator
- Cell Auto-Sizing to fill width of ledger
- Horizontal/Vertical Line drawing switches
- OnDrawEvent to override drawing of cell

>Anyway I don't understand the ledger so I cannot see if it would be usefull
>in my situation or not.

Nor I. I don't see any other documentation in the source code, except this:

-vendor code modification, Daniel Puckett
all new properties default to False, disabling new code for compatability.
search for vcm1, vcm2, vcm3 code blocks.
vcm1: modified procedure TIB_Ledger.WMVScroll to scroll grid with the
dpGridInSyncWithScrollBar: activates code modification.
dpdpKeepDatasetOnValidRow: prevent scroll past end of data or before
start of data. Also affects vcm2
vcm2: modified procedure TIB_Ledger.LinkActive to seek to last row then
sets to BEFORE first row or FIRSTROW if dpdpKeepDatasetOnValidRow is
True on query open.
dpReadEntireDatasetOnOpen: activates code modification.
dpdpKeepDatasetOnValidRow: determines before FIRST or BEFORE FIRST.
Also affects vcm1
vcm3: modified procedure TIB_Ledger.UpdateScrollbar to always show an
active scrollbar.
dpAlwaysShowScrollBar: activates code modification.
vcm1 & 2 & 3: tested only with:
Delphi5, WinNT 4(sp5), TIB_Query, TIB_DataSource (version 3.5)

Just use a TIB_Grid for now if you can't figure
out how the component's supposed to work.

>Thanks guys.

Helen (boy soprano)