Subject Re:Invalid Blob ID
Author Johannes Pretorius
Good day all

we have an odd error happening with IBObject 4.6A and Interbase 5.6

//==== ERROR =================
isc error code:335544329

isc error message:
invalid blob id

tib_statement: "<tapplication>.dm.qreports.iboqrqreports.<tib_updatesql>.<tib_statement>."

tibointernaldataset: "<tapplication>.dm.qreports.iboqrqreports."
//= EINDE ===================

We have noticed this previously and believed it had to do with the Template that is a
blob field being pulled from a stored procedure and then copy with the function

//=== FUnKSIE ================

//=== EINDE ==================

We then changed the code so that the Templates came from a Query and NOT a stored procedure and it seemed asif the problem has come back again.

Notice that the problem happens when we try and SAVE the Qreports data.

If anybody can give us some hints or idea's to start solving this problem please.

Thanks in Advance

Johannes Pretorius
(Programeerings Departement- Promed)

Tel : +27 11 607-3300
Faks : +27 11 622-6939
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