Subject RE: [IBO] TIBO - Inverted master detail?
Author Jason Wharton
Mitch wrote:
> I have a grid with rows that represent hundreds of detail items,
> related to various master records.
> When I double click on a row, an editing form opens in which I want to
> show the detail row's fields and also the master row's fields.
> I also want to be able to use this form to add, edit & delete both the
> detail items and master items.
> What would be the best way to do this?
> When I click on the detail row I could I suppose get the detail ID &
> master ID and then open a standard master-detail form. But the detail
> is the focus of this form and there is a large amount of data and I
> want to show only one detail record at a time.
> Perhaps the other way is to make a joined query (this is what I am
> currently trying). But how can I make both the detail & master fields
> editable in this case?
> Many thanks for your assistance.

Don't have everything in a single query.

Have one query for the master and one query for the detail.

You can limit each query to a single row using the WHERE clause.

You can link them together using master-detail in combination with input

It's up to you how you want to do this.

Jason Wharton