Subject | Re: SPAM-LOW: RE: [IBO] Creating duplicate database through scripts |
Author | Lee |
Post date | 2006-12-17T20:34:04Z |
Lee wrote:
Thanks again,
Warm Regards,
>Hi, any idea on this one? I'm out of ideas so any help would be
> Jason Wharton wrote:
> >
> > Send me exactly what you did.
> >
> Hi Jason,
> Here is the code that I am trying to use. It's got a little sloppy
> after I tried so many ways to make it work so I had to clean it up a bit ;)
> Incidentally, I have also tried saving the output of TIB_DDL_ETRACT to a
> file and running it through IBExpert and I get all kind of errors.
> Here is my code and the exception produced is as follows:
> "ISC ERROR CODE:335544332 ISC ERROR MESSAGE: invalid transaction
> handle (expecting explicit transaction start) "
> sStatement: String;
> sFile: String;
> slOut, slErrors: TStringList;
> Begin
> // get new file name/path
> If (Not sdDB.Execute) Then Exit;
> sFile := sdDB.FileName;
> // extract meta data from current db
> slOut := TStringList.Create;
> slErrors := TStringList.Create;
> Try
> // assign connect property to current, connected database
> // IBExtract = TIB_DDL_EXTRACT
> IBExtract.IB_Connection := IBDB;
> // get ddl from database
> IBExtract.ExecuteStrings(slOut, slErrors);
> // save to use later
> sStatement := slOut.Text;
> Finally;
> FreeAndNil(slOut);
> FreeAndNil(slErrors);
> End;
> // assign connection and transaction for new database
> // to be created.
> scriptExtract.IB_Connection := dbExtract;
> scriptExtract.IB_Transaction := transExtract;
> // assign a create database statement and run it.
> // Seem to have problems with the create statement in same
> // script as ddl.
> scriptExtract.SQL.Text := 'CREATE DATABASE ' + QuotedStr(sFile) + ' USER ' +
> QuotedStr('sysdba') + ' PASSWORD ' + QuotedStr('masterkey') + '
> PAGE_SIZE 4096;';
> scriptExtract.Execute;
> // here I have tried testing with/without explicit commit and start of
> trans either way
> // still exihibits same exception.
> dbExtract.IB_Transaction.Commit;
> dbExtract.Disconnect;
> dbExtract.Path := sFile;
> dbExtract.Connect;
> dbExtract.IB_Transaction.StartTransaction;
> // apply the extracted ddl to IB_Script component
> scriptExtract.SQL.Text := sStatement;
> // save a copy for testing
> scriptExtract.SQL.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'test.sql');
> scriptExtract.Execute;
Thanks again,
Warm Regards,