Subject Help with Blobs required.
Author Adrian Wreyford

I have a table with a blob field in it, that I have used to store jpeg

I can save, and delete these jpegs no problem.

I have decided to move the field from the current table to a new table in
the database.

I then copy the blob fields contents to the new blob field in the new table,
and insert a new record.

I set the datasource property of the IB_JPEGImage, and then when setting the
datafield property to point to the blob field in the new table, I get Jpeg
error #41.

I suspect that the data in the blob has been corrupted when transferring
between the two tables.

The fields are both BLOB, SUBTYPE 0 SEGMENT SIZE 80.

I copy the blobs over as follows..



IB_QueryNewTable.FieldByName('Photo').Value :=


I can see that there is data in the Blob, but suspect it is corrupted.

Should I use .AsString, but will this be large enough to say handle a 6mb

IBO4_7Beta8, FB2.0 D6



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