Subject RE: [IBO] Feature request
Author Enrico Raviglione
Hi Dany and Jason,

thank you for your post.
But the problem still remain.
At now i have modified all my application and i don't use [fetDomain] at
all. If you remember there are also some performance issue with
[fetDomain] and [SchemaChache], below Jason e-mail. I think who
something can be done for better optimize IBO when prepare the queries
and all applications can take advantage in performance with this

If you search "TFIBDataset" in newsgroup you can review all the post
about this issue.

Best Regards.
Enrico Raviglione

>>>>>>>>>> Jason response to my e-mail <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I always suggest people look at the performance monitor/SQL trace
because the query requesting that information may not be working
optimally and the addition of an index on the server could greatly
increase the performance if there is a lot of data in the system tables.
Watching the SQL trace will reveal where the time lag is at.

Jason Wharton

>>>>>>>>>> my e-mail <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Enrico Raviglione
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:31 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: R: R: R: R: R: R: [IBO] for Jason: TIBOQuery vs.
> TFIBDataset speed test
> Hi Jason,
> some good news for you (and also for me :-> ).
> Now with my modified application (FieldEntryType=[] on my
> TIB_Connection) i have try to set SchemaCacheDir, then ... with my big
> surprise, the opening time are reduced of another 40% - 50%.
> If i active SchemaCache with FieldEntryType=[fetDomainName] my
> application are more slow than without SchemaCache, but setting
> FieldEntryType=[] my application are more fast with SchemaCache!!!
> Perphas fetch Domains are not optimized ...
> Best Regards.
> Enrico Raviglione