Subject Why no callback for tib_dsql?
Author Joe Martinez
I was going to add a callback to a tib_dsql object for some SQL statements that take a particularly long time to run, so that I can show the user a progress bar. However, I noticed that tib_dsql does not have a calback event. Why is that?

My idea was to switch to tib_query, but I was wondering if the callback would even work for non-select queries. Does the callback work with Update statements? How about schema-changing statements, such as index creation, etc.?

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@...>
Date: Saturday, Jan 21, 2006 1:40 pm
Subject: RE: [IBO] Feature request

> make attention to performance issue with fetDomain.

> If you have a complex database with a lot of tables, stored

> procedures,

> and so on ... setting fetDomain can cause a big performance

> degradation

> when you open your queries. Some time ago Jason have explained this

> problem in the list, but at now i don't know if this bug are solved or

> not.

> Perhaps Jason tell us someting... i continue to wait....

I have not yet addressed this. You don't get hit when you open your

queries, just when you first prepare them.



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