Subject open transaction
Author Rick Roen
IBO 4.5B D7

I want to prompt the user to close a POSTed transaction if they
leave it open too long without commiting.

My settings are like this:

object Trans_Inventory: TIB_Transaction
IB_Connection = DM.IBCon
AnnounceFocus = True
LockWait = True
TimeoutProps.Attempt = 60
TimeoutProps.PromptUser = 10
TimeoutProps.PromptUserRetry = 30
AfterCommit = Trans_InventoryAfterCommit
AfterEnd = Trans_InventoryAfterEnd
OnTimeoutPromptUser = Trans_InventoryTimeoutPromptUser

I set the TimeoutProps low for testing.
First, I Trans_Inventory.StartTransaction, then post some records.
I think the user should be prompted after TimeOutProps.PromptUser 10
seconds, but nothing happens. I have a simple message box in the
OnTimeoutPromptUser event.

What else do I need to set?
