Subject Questions on searchinglinks example
Author petesouthwest

I'm looking at the searchinglinks sample project. I noticed that when
searching, the grid displays all of the records, highlighting the one
searched for. When I try an recreate the searching function in my
project, searching results in only the record i have searched for
being displayed in the grid. Can anyone please explain what is done in
the example?

I also dont understand what this bit of code is doing:

tmpStr := OldParamValueLinks.LinkValues[ 'EMP_NO' ];
if OrderingItemNo > 0 then begin
SQLWhereItems.Add( 'EMP_NO >= :EMP_NO' );
if (tmpStr = '-999') or (tmpStr = '') or (tmpStr = '999')
then begin
ParamValueLinks.Add( 'EMP_NO=-999' );
end else begin
SQLWhereItems.Add( 'EMP_NO <= :EMP_NO' );
if (tmpStr = '-999') or (tmpStr = '') or (tmpStr = '999')
then begin
ParamValueLinks.Add( 'EMP_NO=999' );

Thanks for any help given
