Subject Search and Download over 80 Million movies online! 100% legal !!
Author bth_orr81

I've recently found this great web site:

You can search and download over 80 million movies and other videos. It's 100Åegal for a very cheap membership.

There is o time limits, no bandwidth limits, no content limits!!! Download anything you want, any time you want.

I copy informations from the web site about the avantages of this service:

» Over 80 Million Movies and TV-Shows to choose from
» Play movies on your computer, Home theater or TV.
» Burn your DVDs. No expensive DVD burner required!
» No Charge per movie, No download limit what so ever!
» Unlimited access! Download several movies at a time.
» No Spyware, Banners, Popups or Advertising.
» Unlimited technical support, suggestions and ratings.
» Learn how to make your own DVD movie collection.

And here some comments about it:

-- During my first week as a member I have collected over 20 movies, 6 games and 2 softwares of the latest version. I never thought it possible before, and it was simple! Keep up the good work! --
- Marc

-- This is sure one of the very best to download all movies, players, and lots more. Its really worth being a member here. I love this site. --
- Mike

-- This site was so easy to use. I never thought that downloading movies would be so easy! thx to the team!. --
- Jessica