Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_Metadata and Firebird Crash
Author Ryan Thomas
Hi Geoff,

That'd be great if you could send me update, I'll give it a go.


Ryan Thomas
TransActive Systems

P: (02) 4322 3302
F: (02) 4325 1141
E: ryan@...

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Geoff Worboys
> Sent: Friday, 29 July 2005 11:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] TIB_Metadata and Firebird Crash
> > I wrote a small tool to extract the metadata from a database and
> > noticed that it causes FirebirdServer to consistently terminate. I
> > tried this on a remote database to the same effect. This
> resulted in
> > us having to go into windows services and start the FirebirdServer
> > service again.
> I have found a similar problem, but it was not consistent.
> It appears that extracting BLR information from the system
> tables causes a problem in the server - I dont know why.
> This of course causes problem for my DBak (database backup)
> application. The problem seems to occur most often when used
> directly after dropping a database to be replaced by running
> the new metadata script (at least that seems to have been the
> case with DBak).
> Since TIB_Metadata does not, at the moment, actually use the
> BLR details that it extracts anyway - I have been able to
> work around the problem by stopping the component from
> reading the BLR blobs.
> I have sent Jason an update to TIB_Metadata which works
> around the problem this way (as part of some other stuff) but
> it has not yet been released AFAIK.
> If you have the full IBO source I can send you a update to
> the metadata unit to see if that solves your problem.
> --
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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