Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Extract dml or another way
Author Lester Caine
fingerclick2000 wrote:

>>If you use the debugger while running the application, you will see all
>>the 'raw' data that is available in, say, the AfterInsert event. I do a
>>lot of my programming by checking what is ACTUALLY happening ;)

I can't look myself at the moment, but I am fairly sure that the SQL
that was just applied IS available in one of the properties query and
can be read in the AfterPost Event. I can remember looking at it in the
past, so I assume it is still available.

> Yes, ok, but i want to get the data from the 'updated query', and,
> this query is 'made by the ibo'. I only did the select query, ibo did
> the rest for me.
> How to get the update query he did for me? And i need a pointer to
> exactly the data that user inserted, not the last one inserted.
> Or, not really the sql, but colums updated with values, something
> like this to convert it to a xml. The problem isn't to create the xml
> but to get that that. :) Thanks in advance.

The data must be available - otherwise it could not be displayed in the

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services