Subject Re: [IBO] IBO problem - process fastening
Author Norbert Nemeth
Hi Lester Caine,

>>>make your tree in the grid, with check boxes to open and close a group
>> Which component can do this? AFAIK, the TIB_Grid can't do this.
> It can but I'm on a different 'problem' to you ;)

I noticed :-)

> I'd build the 'page' dynamically - if that makes sense.
> Create the form by scanning the 'question' list. If the 'group' entry
> changes from the last record, then insert the group header. If you start
> with 'last group' = -1, then the first line will be header followed by
> the first Edit box and selection of answers. If these are built using an
> array, then you just need the right number of entries
> Does that make sense?
> In essence you are making your own component, and if you work inside a
> panel, then you can scroll the questions within your page.
> If the user wants to save the results, then you just scan the answers -
> complain if some answers are not completed or update the database if all
> is OK. You could build the 'answer' section to automatically update the
> database, and wrap things in a StartTransaction/Commit/RollBack but I
> think a simple scan and update will be easier.

Thank you for the description, but I tried to find the right component
to solve this problem. I have found this: Virtual Treeview for IBO
Thanks anyway!
