Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Query x IBOQuery - Using fieldbyname
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:27 AM 17/05/2005 -0300, you wrote:
>IB-6, IBO 4.5ai (registered) - Delphi 7 Pro
>Dear Friends
>I need to create and open a table, with IB_query, using this:
> tmpTabela := TIB_Query.Create(Application);
> with tmpTabela do
> begin
> DataBaseName := Salias;
> tmptabela.SQL.Text := 'SELECT SEMAPHOR.ch_sem,SEMAPHOR.nodulo
>from SEMAPHOR where CH_SEM = '+quotedStr(SCh_sem);
> tmpTabela.ExecSQL;
> end;
>When the SQL results in one or more fields, after posicioning in the
>first record, a command like: tmptabela.fieldbyname('ch_sem').AsString
>yelds empty. Why?
>When using IBOQuery the result on
>tmptabela.fieldbyname('ch_sem').AsString yelds the correct content.
>What I need to do to get the correct content of the field, using

Don't use DatabaseName for IB_Query, use the IB_Connection property. You
would be well-advised to avoid DatabaseName for IBOQuery as well, in
preference for IB_Connection.


>Thanks in advance.
>Hércules Russano
>HRsoft Informática
>0xx21-26013970 - 3246-2342
> <>
>MSN Messenger: <mailto:hrsoftbrasil@...>
>Skype: hrsoftbrasil
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