Subject | Re: [IBO] Re: IBO 4.5Ai TIBOtable problem |
Author | Hans |
Post date | 2005-04-02T15:20:40Z |
A friend of me has similar experiences with programs that have been working
for years on 4.2 and just don't want to work with 4.5A+. If interested I
can bring you in contact with him to possibly find some solution.
for years on 4.2 and just don't want to work with 4.5A+. If interested I
can bring you in contact with him to possibly find some solution.
----- Original Message -----
From: "colincoleman2002" <yahoogroups@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 4:32 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re: IBO 4.5Ai TIBOtable problem
> And some more investigation reveals:-
> I have now built a clean Xp machine loaded Delphi7,IBO 4.20I ,And a
> host of other components same as my main development machine, and
> have copied the whole project from the main machine to the new PC
> and then compiled the project using the DOS compiler, so i dont
> change ANYTHING in the project and guess what it all Works
> perfectly!. (Using IBO4.20i)
> It Appears that whenever the IBOtable component gets written to it
> seems to lock the fields into its memory somewhere and thats it, it
> only wants to use for these fields forever once written, as though i
> have created persistant fields, if this is the case how do i rectify
> it, ive tried adding this following code during the table open and
> it still crashes.
> sTablename := IBOTableClient.TableName ; // Eg CUSTOMERS
> FormMainReplicate.Memo1.lines.add(sTablename+'
> Before='+IBOTableClient.SQL.Text +
> ' FieldCount ='+IntToStr(IBOTableClient.FieldCount));
> IBOTableClient.SQL.Clear;
> IBOTableClient.FieldDefs.Clear;
> IBOTableClient.MasterSource := DataSourceQClient;
> IBOTableClient.TableName := sTablename ;
> FormMainReplicate.Memo1.lines.add(sTablename+ 'After='
> +IBOTableClient.SQL.Text+
> ' FieldCount =' +
> IntToStr(IBOTableClient.FieldCount));
> Try
> IBOTableClient.Open;
> Except
> FormMainReplicate.Memo1.lines.add('*** CRASHED *** '+
> sTablename+' ='+
> IBOTableClient.SQL.Text+' FieldCount ='+
> IntToStr(IBOTableClient.FieldCount));
> Exit;
> End;
> If you could help me with this i would be very grateful as i seem to
> be getting nowhere except being able to pont the finger at IBO 4.5Ai
> as the root cause.
> Thanks Jason or anyone that can help me..
> Colin
> --- In, "colincoleman2002"
> <yahoogroups@c...> wrote:
>> I have more information as to where the IBO component crashes: it
>> appears to be in the following routine.
>> procedure TIBODataset.InternalOpen;
>> begin
>> if not InternalDataset.Prepared then
>> InternalDataset.Prepare;
>> if FRefreshingParamsLevel = 0 then
>> begin
>> FIncludeOutputParams := false;
>> if ( InternalDataset.FieldCount > 0 ) and
>> ( FieldDefs.Count = 0 ) then
>> InternalInitFieldDefs;
>> if DefaultFields then
>> CreateFields;
>> if foAutoAppendAllFields in FFieldOptions then
>> AppendOtherFields;
>> BindFields( True );
>> InitFields;
>> FRecInfoOfs := FRecordSize + CalcFieldsSize;
>> FRecBufSize := FRecInfoOfs + SizeOf( TIBORecInfo );
>> end;
>> InternalDataset.FIsCursorOpen := true;
>> end;
>> Stepping through in Delphi 7.0 creashes on the line BindFields(
>> True );, even trying to use stepinto will not work as it just
>> crashes without opening the routine.. if this is any help
>> Thanks
>> Colin
>> --- In, "colincoleman2002"
>> <yahoogroups@c...> wrote:
>> >
>> > We have a larger project that essentially has a TIBOQuery as a
>> > master and a TIBOTable as a detail table, the program uses the
>> > to create a complex query that returns only the Primary key
> field
>> > for the table required,
>> >
>> > The Query And Table are configured Thus:-
>> > With DataModule1 Do
>> > Begin
>> > IBOTableClient.Close;
>> > IBOTableServer.Close;
>> > IBOQueryClient.Close;
>> > IBOQueryServer.Close;
>> >
>> > IBOQueryClient.SQL.Clear;
>> > IBOQueryClient.SQL.Add(sClientSql);
>> > IBOQueryServer.SQL.Clear;
>> > IBOQueryServer.SQL.Add(sServerSql);
>> >
>> > IBOTableClient.TableName := sTableName ; // EG CUSTOMERS
>> > IBOTableServer.TableName := sTableName ;
>> > IBOTableClient.MasterFields := sPrimaryKeyname ; // EG
>> > IBOTableServer.MasterFields := sPrimaryKeyname ;
>> > IBOTableClient.IndexFieldNames := sPrimaryKeyname ; // Eg
>> > IBOTableServer.IndexFieldNames := sPrimaryKeyname ;
>> >
>> > IBOQueryClient.Open; // Always open Fine ;-)
>> > IBOQueryServer.Open;
>> >
>> > IBOTableClient.OPen; // RANDOM CRASHES...Field not found
>> > IBOTableServer.Open; // RANDOM CRASHES ...Field not found
>> > end;
>> > End;
>> >
>> > This has worked for years with no changes, wher there are about
> 50
>> > tables, and this routine is called with each SQL, tablename,
>> > Prikey,etc... BUT since upgrading from Ver 4.0 to 4.5Ai, what
>> > happens is that the 2 TIBOTables randomly dont change the
>> tablename
>> > to the next table , on investigation we can see that the
> internal
>> > fieldnames are still pointing to the previous table thus giving
> us
>> > the error, "Field custref not found", even though the
>> > IBOTABLE.tablename says the correct table.
>> >
>> > its as though the setting of TIBOTable.Tablename does not
> retrieve
>> > the fields from the database, but retains the last field list,
> of
>> > course when the table is opened it crashes.
>> >
>> > Where do i look to fix this SERIOUS problem with 4.5Ai ?
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> >
>> > Colin Coleman
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