Subject Re: [IBO] Server-side logging
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> so i have to implement "Integrator" for DML Caching
> to my app and use your IB LogManager, right?

No. I've simply pointed out that IB LogManager can act as integrator for
the IBO Global DML Caching mechanism.

This has nothing to do with your special requirement, namely logging
application specifc logins/user names instead of the currently logged in
InterBase/Firebird user, which might not be helpful, if it is only one
user account, for example SYSDBA or the database owner.

For your requirement, the "Column Value Replacement" feature in IB
LogManager might be worth to have a look. You'll find the needed pieces
in the IB LogManager online help.

Well, this thread isn't IBObjects related. If you want to discuss that
further in a general way, then you'd better move the discussion to the
firebird-support list. If you have IB LogManager specific questions,
then either use our news server or send me an private email.

Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2 (NEW!)
Upscene Productions