Subject RE: [IBO] KeyDescLinks prevents OnDataChange from firing
Author Jason Wharton
It is standard TDataset behavior to expect either a nil to imply the record
in general changed or to have a reference passed in when only a single field
value changed. I tend not to document things that are more or less part of
the TDataset context.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guido Klapperich [mailto:guido.klapperich@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:05 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] KeyDescLinks prevents OnDataChange from firing
> > Probably, but for many of us this has always been how
> things work so you
> > tend to forget what is and is not in the help - until prompted ;)
> The parameter Field in the OnDataChange-Event has irritated me. I
> thought, it will always give a reference to the fields, that have
> changed and not, that it is null, when two or more fields
> have changed.
> When you use KeyDescLinks, always at least two fields will change and
> then the field-parameter is null. I'm not sure, that everyone
> is aware
> of that and therefore a short note in the help-file would be helpful.
> Regards
> Guido