Subject RE: [IBO] Passive mode
Author Jason Wharton
If you set Passive mode to true and didn't have the session feeding it with
OnIdle notification this could bring that situation about. Did you do
anything to change the session behavior? Are you using threads for any of


> -----Original Message-----
> From: consultor_cys [mailto:consultor@...]
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] Passive mode
> Helen,
> I don't know if it's a bug or not, but TIB_Script.Executing was
> getting stuck on TRUE, and when I tried to use TIB_Script again I got
> the error message that, after taking a look at your source code, now I
> understand: "Executing already or not in Passive mode" - means exactly
> what it means: "TIB_Script is already executing or it is not in
> Passive mode"!
> Do You think it could be getting stuck because of my 'ugly' Commit?
> Here's a snippet of what solved my problem:
> procedure TDM.LimpaTabelas;
> begin
> if (SplashForm <> NIL) and SplashForm.Showing then begin
> SplashForm.ShowMessage('Limpando tabelas...');
> end;
> try
> dscScript.SQL.Text := 'update Visitante ....'; /// a valid script
> SaveSQLToFile('LimpaTabelas', LoginForm.pUSERCODE, dscScript.SQL);
> dscScript.Execute;
> /// -------------- I ADDED THESE LINES
> while dscScript.Executing do begin
> /// Will wait forever?
> /// I have to do something here to avoid an endless loop
> end;
> /// -----------------------------------
> dscScript.IB_Transaction.Commit;
> except
> on E: Exception do LogError('DM.LimpaTabelas EXCEPTION:
> '+E.Message);
> end;
> end;