Subject | Re: [IBO] IBO455: Color and Font properties of Autolabel !!!! H E L P !!!!! |
Author | Mark Pickersgill |
Post date | 2005-03-02T08:28:58Z |
Hi Felix,
A guess here, but have you recompiled the Runtime libraries for IBO?
Felix Codat wrote:
A guess here, but have you recompiled the Runtime libraries for IBO?
Felix Codat wrote:
>Hi All,
>I am running Delphi7 and recenlty I upgraded IBO 4.5.5.
>After that I received an error running some of the applications like:
>"Error Reading IB_Edit1.autolabel.Color" or
>"Error Reading IB_Edit1.autolabel.Font"
>Here is a short example: Open a project, drop an IB_Edit1 component
>(without any connection to a DataSet), and change some of the
>autolabel properties. Then, while we run, we get the error.
>To make things clear, here is a simple ex (Project1 with Unit1):
>object Form1: TForm1
>Left = 234
>Top = 107
>Width = 870
>Height = 600
>Caption = 'Form1'
>Color = clBtnFace
>Font.Color = clWindowText
>Font.Height = -11
>Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
>Font.Style = []
>OldCreateOrder = False
>PixelsPerInch = 96
>TextHeight = 13
>object IB_Edit1: TIB_Edit
>Left = 180
>Top = 88
>Width = 121
>Height = 31
>AutoLabel.Caption = 'autolabel'
>AutoLabel.Color = clBlue
>AutoLabel.Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET
>AutoLabel.Font.Color = 4227072
>AutoLabel.Font.Height = -13
>AutoLabel.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
>AutoLabel.Font.Style = [fsBold]
>AutoLabel.Kind = albLeft
>Font.Charset = BALTIC_CHARSET
>Font.Color = clWindowText
>Font.Height = -20
>Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
>Font.Style = []
>ParentFont = False
>TabOrder = 0
>(************** Project:**************)
>program Project1;
>Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1};
>{$R *.res}
>Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
>unit Unit1;
>Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
>Dialogs, StdCtrls, Mask, IB_Controls;
>TForm1 = class(TForm)
>IB_Edit1: TIB_Edit;
>{ Private declarations }
>{ Public declarations }
>Form1: TForm1;
>{$R *.dfm}
>********************** E N D SOurce code********)
>In my opinion, somehow Color and Font properties (of Autolabel !!!)
>are not visible at runtime. There is no error when we compile the
>project; only when we run the program.
>Any ideas?
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