Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Export altering the cursor question
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:29 PM 1/02/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>In comments to TIB_Export it says the following:
> It is also possible to perform some alterations to the internal
>cursor that is used to perform the export. One example is to exclude
>columns in the original dataset from the exported dataset.
>Additional selection criteria could be added to reduce the number of
>records processed, etc.
>My question is regarding this. I have a TIB_Cursor that I am
>exporting. However the query brings back the key field of the table
>that I want to use that I can flag the load as exported but I don't
>want to export this load. I tried various things and can only get
>it to work by editing the component and adding a property for a list
>of fields to ignore from the export. However I would rather leave
>the component alone and do it all in my app. I would welcome any
>ideas you may have.
>To flag the load as exported I am using the following code:
>procedure TdmMain.expCompleteLoadAfterFetchRow(ARow: TIB_Row);
> curFlagExported.ParamByName('LOAD_REFERENCE').AsInteger :=
> curFlagExported.Execute;
>So I need to have the Load_reference in the dataset to do that but I
>don't want it exported.

Then just don't include it in the dataset. You don't have to include it in
the SELECT list in order to refer to it in the WHERE clause.
