Subject RE: [IBO] IBO with pure Firebird environments
Author Jason Wharton
> I think your only way out is to require IB_Monitor to be hooked to a
> specific IB_Session instance (and having it find the default one like
> the other components do). Not backward compatible, but coherent.

Yes, the trouble is I wanted the hooks for the monitor to be exactly the
same as the hooks imported from the API. And then, inside those hooks
(which cannot be a method) I need a way to cleanly refer back to the
instance of IB_Monitor hosting them for the output to be captured.

I'll figure it out but I think it will have to cost the slight performance
benefit of having it such that when no monitor is hooked in it is as if no
coding for the trace monitor existed at all.

I may end up building in a layer right inside of IB_Session and simply have
the monitor directly associated with it and you simply turn session
monitoring on or off as you please. I've been wanting to have it produce
external monitoring anyway and this would be a good way to accomplish that
at the same time. However, this won't come out until IBO version 5.x.

Jason Wharton