Subject Re: [IBO] Hy dear friends - PLEASE
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:22 PM 30/10/2005 -0800, you wrote:
>where I declare (in the source code of a delphi form) a datamodule with
>IBO data access?
>(that will be used by several other forms)

1. Click File..Use Unit and pick the datamodule's .pas unit.
2. Go to the DPR file and comment out the Application.Create statement for
the datamodule.
3. Write 2 procedures in your form 1) that declares an object instance of
your datamodule and creates the instance (with your form as Owner) and 2)
for destroying that instance.
4. Call procedure 1) when you are ready to hook up the form to the
datamodule instance.
5. Call procedure 2) in the form's OnDestroy event.

The steps will be different if you want a single instance of the datamodule
to be created by the first data-aware form created and then to be kept
available to all forms....more info required.
