Subject RE: [IBO] Drag'nDrop from datasource
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi Alan,
> It seems like a bug. A few months I was trying to use this, and, the
> conclusion I got: u need to have the datasource in the same form you
> want to drop the controls. If u leave the datasource at one dataModule
> it doesn't work.
> Hope this can help u.

this is the only way I was using it - doesn't work

> []
> Andrei
> 2005/10/19, Alan McDonald <alan@...>:
> > When you dbl click on a datasource, you get a nice little
> control generator.
> > What do you have to do to make it use itself as the datasource to the
> > control it creates?
> > It seems the datasource property of the control is always empty...
> > Alan