Subject | invalid transaction handle exception |
Author | zachs78 |
Post date | 2005-10-13T03:42:17Z |
I'm seeing the following error after an intensive burst of activity
from the clients:
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -901
invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)
TIBOInternalDataset: "dmHost_6.DSModule.tblWebUser.<TIBOInternalDatas
Once one client runs into this error, all the rest of the client
follows. Any requests from the client will continue to result in the
exception above.
I'm running a MIDAS-like middle tier application server where the
server has 8 threads and thus, 8 connections to the database through
Using the implicit transaction has worked flawlessly when there is
little activity. Once the activity goes up, we keep seeing errors
such as the above.
I would be very grateful if someone can tell me when an explicit
transaction is required, and when I can rely on the implicit
transaction (as suggested by the IBO help file) -- and why does the
exception only happen when the activity goes up (we monitored the
activity through a log file from our MIDAS-like server).
Configuration of IBO version 4.5.Ai:
TIBTable with TIB_Session, TIB_Connection and TIB_Transaction
TIB_Transaction is set such as:
ServerAutoCommit = false;
AutoCommit = false;
Isolation = tiCommitted;
As for TIB_Connection:
Protocol = cpTCP_IP;
IDE: C++ Builder 6 with Update Pack 4 and latest ilink32.
Firebird Version: 1.5.2 super server.
from the clients:
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -901
invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)
TIBOInternalDataset: "dmHost_6.DSModule.tblWebUser.<TIBOInternalDatas
Once one client runs into this error, all the rest of the client
follows. Any requests from the client will continue to result in the
exception above.
I'm running a MIDAS-like middle tier application server where the
server has 8 threads and thus, 8 connections to the database through
Using the implicit transaction has worked flawlessly when there is
little activity. Once the activity goes up, we keep seeing errors
such as the above.
I would be very grateful if someone can tell me when an explicit
transaction is required, and when I can rely on the implicit
transaction (as suggested by the IBO help file) -- and why does the
exception only happen when the activity goes up (we monitored the
activity through a log file from our MIDAS-like server).
Configuration of IBO version 4.5.Ai:
TIBTable with TIB_Session, TIB_Connection and TIB_Transaction
TIB_Transaction is set such as:
ServerAutoCommit = false;
AutoCommit = false;
Isolation = tiCommitted;
As for TIB_Connection:
Protocol = cpTCP_IP;
IDE: C++ Builder 6 with Update Pack 4 and latest ilink32.
Firebird Version: 1.5.2 super server.