Subject Re: Third posting - is anyone able to offer a suggestion please?
Author dmarmur2002
I won't get into detail here - I took a cursory look. RowSelect does
not just make the row appear selected, it changes the behaviour of
Home/End and such and navigation on the whole. If the visual stuff is
what you use RowSelect for I suggest you search the newsgroups on user
drawing/Owner drawing or some such - how to respond to grid drawing
events. RowSelect seems ment to behave as you want it not to.



--- In, "andygarneruk" <andy@g...> wrote:
> When a datasource has more columns than the grid can display, the user
> can scroll the columns hoizontally to bring the right most columns
> into view.
> When RowSelect = True however, clicking a cell in one of these
> normally out of view columns causes the grid to cancel the horizontal
> scroll and display column 1 in the left most position.
> How can I have the grid retain the active column in view please?
> Thanks, Andy.
> Here is my grid definition:
> object grdCustomers: TIB_Grid
> Left = 0
> Top = 40
> Width = 789
> Height = 489
> TreeOptions.NodeIndent = 25
> CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
> DataSource = dmDatCustomer.dtsCustomer
> Align = alClient
> OnDblClick = grdCustomersDblClick
> ReadOnly = True
> TabOrder = 1
> RowSelect = True
> OrderingColor = 16777168
> end
> IBO 4.5Ag
> XP Pro SP2