Subject IBOQUERY and DBGRID problem
Author mlc29150
Hello Everybody !

I've converted a BDE project into IBO4 ...under Delphi7.
In my project I've replace the Query by an IBOQUERY.
I've keep the DBGRID from Delphi...
My DBGrid is connected to the IBOQUERY with a standard Tdatsource
(Like the classic DBNavigator used too...).

I'm using for the connection a TIB_connection and for the
transaction a TIB_Transaction...

With the IBOQUERY I use a classic SQL command : SELECT * FROM

Everythings works fine in viewing mode with the DBGRID...
But if I want to edit a row, in the dbgrid I've got a message error
that is saying :"Impossible to edit the selected row...".

Maybe it's normal...Is it possible to edit line record, for a DBGrid
connected to a IBOQUERY ?

(I would like to continue to use the dbgrid because in this project,
there are so mutch lines code..., so it's more easy to continue to
use the DBgrid :o))

Thank you in advance for your response.